The One Ring

Ideas for two Fellowship scenarios
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Author:  Mapper [ Mon Sep 28, 2020 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Ideas for two Fellowship scenarios

One from the Fellowship of the Ring book, another just an idea.

In the Fellowship, just after being turned away from Caradhras, they hear wolves pursuing them. They take refuge on top of a small hill where they are attacked by a pack of wargs including a chieftain. Rather a one sided fight but if you have a bunch of wargs for the one Battle Companies scenario, another chance to use them.

Another just an idea to use the whole of the Fellowship in a battle. Instead of different battles at Amon Hen, what if the Orcs had attacked when they were making camp along the river bank? Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas and Gimli defending the hobbits with their back to the river. Sam and Frodo must escape across the water. Just an idea.

Anyone else have an idea?

Author:  Kuribo [ Thu Oct 01, 2020 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for two Fellowship scenarios

I like both of these ideas a lot and I've been thinking for a couple of days since I saw your post and haven't come up with much. One thing I was hoping to do when I get a Goblin Town board done (whenever that happens!), is I thought it would be cool to come up with a scenario where the Fellowship entered the Misty Mountains and face the forces of the Goblin King (but without him since he was dead at this point) in their tunnels.

I think are a lot of opportunities in the game to do some alternative storytelling and scenarios if people are interested and have the creativity :)

Author:  Mapper [ Thu Oct 01, 2020 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ideas for two Fellowship scenarios

Another use for your Goblin Town board - Once Gandalf suspects that the Ring that Bilbo found may be the One Ring, he and Aragorn venture back into the Misty Mountains to see if Gollum is still there to get answers.

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