The One Ring

Battle of Pelennor Fields Starter Set Scenarios
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Author:  Voyager360 [ Wed Aug 26, 2020 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Battle of Pelennor Fields Starter Set Scenarios

I've played through all four Starter Set scenarios, as found in the Battle of Pelennor Fields starter set. I was surprised how much fun these (generally) were, even in solo play. I think these are 4 great learning scenarios, although I think more experienced players may still find them enjoyable.

The playthroughs can be found here: ... -overview/

Or individually:
Scenario 1: Charge of the Rohirrim ... -rohirrim/

Scenario 2: Théoden's Last Stand ... ast-stand/

Scenario 3: The March of the Dead ... -the-dead/

Scenario 4: The Battle of Pelennor Fields ... or-fields/


Did anybody else play these? What are your thoughts?

Author:  Mapper [ Thu Aug 27, 2020 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle of Pelennor Fields Starter Set Scenarios

Very nice! I think you are the first I've seen that has played these scenarios.

Author:  DaveT [ Sat Aug 29, 2020 12:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle of Pelennor Fields Starter Set Scenarios

Nice job! I've added them to the

Zorpazorp did a playthrough of these on YouTube, which reminds me that adding those videos to has been on the TODO list for too long. I'll add them after posting this.

Random comments:

Scenario 1: "It also shows how devastating cavalry can be"

Yep, although Rohan gets a huge boost from the scenario special rules which they don't usually get. I've seen some really ineffective charges due to the so-so unboosted Fight Value. (Those results could also be my poor dice rolling and/or tactics, too, of course.....)

Scenario 2: "first turn ...Witch-King casts a Channelled Black Dart, using 6 Will points"

That seemed like a lot of Will to use right off the bat. And then he pretty much muffed the roll! I figured he was toast, but I'm glad he managed to pull the win off anyway. (Spoilers!)

Scenario 3: I recognize the Osgiliath ruins, but not the houses. Are they some kind of Lego kits or something? I thought they were pretty effective.

Scenario 4: "the Riders of Rohan ... use their bows. It is quite effective, as 4 Morannon Orcs with shields die as a result."

Wow, that /is/ really effective. My archery often tends to be kind of disappointing. Maybe my expectations are too high. It's cool to see a really useful volley though.

Thanks for posting these. I really enjoyed reading them and looking at the pictures.

Author:  Voyager360 [ Sat Aug 29, 2020 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle of Pelennor Fields Starter Set Scenarios

Thanks both! :-D


1. You're right, cavalry can be very hit-and-miss, but when it's a hit, they generally can hit very hard!

2. Yeah 6 Will is a lot. When I decided that I was under the presumption that he actually had his full 20 Will and forgot about his Crown of Morgul re-roll. Given the scarcity of Might, I thought I wanted to guarantee a good D3 wounds on a channelled Black Dart. But then I realized for these scenarios the Witch-King only has 2 M, 12 W and 2 F.

3. The houses are from TTCombat, part of the Streets of Venice range.
They are not too expensive, so I bought a lot of them and painted about half of them in a white/grey scheme for Osgiliath / Minas Tirith / Gondor. I plan to paint the rest in a light yellow/red scheme for Dale, if/when I ever get to the Hobbit.

Here are some more pictures, mixed with other terrain from different suppliers:

4. The Rohan Riders did have the advantage that they didn't move so didn't suffer that penalty on their To Hit roll. But I agree, normally their shooting isn't quite so effective.

Thanks for commenting! And maintaining the excellent sbginventory! :)

Author:  slinky [ Sat Aug 29, 2020 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle of Pelennor Fields Starter Set Scenarios

Very interesting, thanks!

Once I finally have all those models painted, I will probably give them a play through too! :)

Author:  DaveT [ Sat Aug 29, 2020 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle of Pelennor Fields Starter Set Scenarios

Thanks for the pointer to TTCombat. That's a nice looking Minas Tirith / Osgiliath you've got going.

Author:  slinky [ Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle of Pelennor Fields Starter Set Scenarios

Those buildings do look excellent for Gondor!

Author:  Voyager360 [ Thu Sep 03, 2020 5:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Battle of Pelennor Fields Starter Set Scenarios

Thanks everyone! :D

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