The One Ring

Tournament Batrep!
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Author:  Tanksie [ Sat Feb 16, 2019 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Tournament Batrep!

I'm attending a 750pt Lotr Tournament in about an hour or so. My first ever. 3 rounds. Domination, Clash by moonlight and storm the camp. Here is the list I submitted.

8 uruks w shields
7 uruks w pikes
1 banner
2 berserkers

8 uruks w crossbows
2 scouts w bows

Thryden Wolfsbane horse
8 scouts w shields
2 scouts w bows

750 pts

41 models means 21 must die to break (for the purposes of scenarios and Thryden running off) and means 28 must die to hit the magic uruk 66% 31 must die for 25%. I like taking that odd number for just these reasons. 12/38 warriors have bows.

So Saruman and Vrasku's warbands are my brick wall. I really rate both leaders. I also expect the crossbowmen to go off in clash by moonlight. That 12 inch rule will keep my bow bois alive, and so long as I roll okay to hit, the +1 to hit will decimate all. The scouts are sneaky fast thanks to forest strider, and thryden is both my 'troll' and a fast objective grabber in domination.

I'm very excited to play, as I have a regular bunch of armies I play against, and this will be a chance to learn against some different players and armies!!! Battle report and maybe pics to come
Wish me luck!!!

Author:  Cave Dragon [ Sun Feb 17, 2019 2:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tournament Batrep!

Good luck!

Author:  Tanksie [ Sun Feb 17, 2019 6:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tournament Batrep!

Round 1 Vs Angmar/ Denizens of Mirkwood/ Mordor

Rough enemy list

Burdur (army leader)
10 warg riders
2 dead marsh specters


Spider queen
11 fighty spiders
1 bigger spider

Scenario, Domination

This list was quick and nasty, Saruman compelled Burdur away from my battle line, and kept him out of the game, and 2 berserkers backed by some pikemen killed shelob quick as a whip. So far so good. Thryden Wolfsbane charges the spider queen and heroic strikes!!!! He then rolls 3 1s for the duel!!! So the spider queen and her children slaughtered her way across my battle line, left to right. S5 2A and M10. Re rolling 1s to wound is horrific for Uruk Hai. I scattered to some objectives late as the game drew to a close, and wounded Burdur. But twas all for nought. 6-5 Loss. Man of the match, the Berserkers, who murdered Shelob and were the only stiff resistance to the spider onslaught. Saruman obnoxious as always

Round 2. Vs fellowship/Rivindell/Galadrim. Clash by moonlight.

Rough list
Gandalf (army leader)

Galadriel with mirror
2 sentinels
4 galadrim
6 Palace guard


8 elves with shields

20 points of will and a leader with unlimited fate, with re rolls. Yeet.

Early game was VERY cagey. About 10 turns of him sitting in a bottleneck, casting spells and blinding light every turn, trying to disrupt with the sentinels. With me shooting and socerous blasting away where I could. Aura of dismay was also a big fatcor. Eventually Arwen runs out and wraths the board, then repeats next turn thanks to Gandalf restoring her will. About 6-7 Uruks die to nature being angry. But Uruk hai are really good at 1 thing. Grinding. And over the course of probably about 30 turns Sarumans warmachine ground the small elf army down with 1v1 fights and a bit of pike support. I killed Cirdan and Arwen, (Berserkers again) but in spite of tagging Gandalf for about 12 wounds over the course of the game I was never able to beat his fate save. Eventually my Uruks got hold of the mirror and started to run off with it, but in the same turn my enemy finally reached breaking point and I won 6-4 or some such. Very close fun game, with lots of dramatic moments. Man of the match, the Berserkers again. Killed 2 characters and made Aura of dismay look like a joke.

Round 3. Storm the camp. Vs Fiefdoms

Rough list

Imrahil (leader)
6 knights of Dol Amroth

6 clansmen
6 Axmen

6 clansmen
6 axemen

8 Archers
Possibly a couple more dudes.

A good friend of mine for the final round, and sadly it would not be as thrilling a game. Imrahil was killed by a single outstanding round of Crossbow madness (6 hits, 1 on horse 5 on Imrahil, 4 wounds, very bad fate) And then the crossbows punished his foot troops while the scouts, Saruman and Thryden cleaned up the cav. I was unbroken at games end. 7-0 win I think. Man of the match. Vrasku and his crossbow bois.

I finished 2nd thanks to painting and sportsmanship scores. With a gnarly Rohan list taking first place Undefeated.

4 riders

4 riders

3-4 riders

3-4 riders

3-4 riders

I learned a lot about the possibilities of army composition this tournament, and had an absolute blast! Saruman and Vrasku were gangster as always, and the berserkers really outdid themselves. Thryden was interesting, and I would use him again.

Author:  Wan Shi Tong [ Mon Feb 18, 2019 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tournament Batrep!

Sounds like an interesting tournament. The armies all seem very well coordinated especially the Rivendell one. I admit to playing games of hiding in the back of the board with magic and blinding light form time to time myself. Still, well done for making just a strong showing!

Author:  Eoher [ Thu Feb 28, 2019 4:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tournament Batrep!

Sounds like a heck of a lot of fun! How did all those lists you played against fair? It blows my mind a bit how small the armies are.

What made that Rohan list so good? I don't build my lists with that few troops, but I've never played in a tournament either.

Author:  Tanksie [ Thu Feb 28, 2019 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tournament Batrep!

Eoher wrote:
Sounds like a heck of a lot of fun! How did all those lists you played against fair? It blows my mind a bit how small the armies are.

What made that Rohan list so good? I don't build my lists with that few troops, but I've never played in a tournament either.

The spider list went 1-1-1
The Elf list 1 win 2 losses
The Fiefdoms list went 1 win 2 losses

Okay, so because the rohan list is small it means the maximum amount of guys are going to take advantage of Theodens rules. Namely the 12 inch stand fast and the 12 inch +1 fight value on the charge. Erkenbrand means everyone is courage 5 at least and the characters are all courage 7 or 6 Theodred and Eomer give the list big hitting power, and finally you have the sauce that keeps it all together. Gamling. Gamlings banner means that any character within 3 of the banner with no might remaining at the beginning of the turn gets a point of might back. There is no limit on how many characters get the might. This means the army can call 4 or 5 heroic actions every turn for the entire game.

Author:  Eoher [ Sat Mar 02, 2019 6:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tournament Batrep!

Thanks for the info Tanksie! That Rohan list is relying on the heros to do the work more than in used to. Maybe I'll give it a shot.

Author:  Tanksie [ Sat Mar 02, 2019 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tournament Batrep!

You're right mate! Also remember Gamling can call unlimited heroic defences because of that rule!

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