The One Ring

How to Make a Campaign
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Author:  Spike117 [ Mon Jul 06, 2015 4:04 am ]
Post subject:  How to Make a Campaign

So if you read my recent battle report, 'War of the Trade Routes', we had so much fun I've decided to turn it into a story-driven campaign.

The premise is that some vital trade routes, necessary for all involved parties, are the targets of Orc and worse assaults, with different pitched battles all over the Riddermark with Evil contingents and Good trade guards vying for control.

My question is how to set up a campaign? What are the rules, victory conditions, etc.?

Thanks :D

Author:  generalripphook [ Mon Jul 06, 2015 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Make a Campaign

What I would do is take a pretty simple board game like Risk and slowly adapt the rules to what you want.

Either that or do you intend to have a tree branch of mission 1 which leads to mission 2 or 3 depending on the winner?

Author:  Spike117 [ Tue Jul 07, 2015 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Make a Campaign

generalripphook wrote:
What I would do is take a pretty simple board game like Risk and slowly adapt the rules to what you want.

Either that or do you intend to have a tree branch of mission 1 which leads to mission 2 or 3 depending on the winner?

I want the campaigns to be comprised of scenarios and battles, and I like the sound of 1 mission leading to 2 distinct ones depending on who wins.

Author:  generalripphook [ Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Make a Campaign

Here are a few missions for a good start. I would first map out how many mission you would want and what you want to end with then start making rules for them all with the victor of the campaign being the victor of the final battle.

I would shoot for a path of maybe 6-8 missions for if one side just wins every battle.

If named heroes are killed in battle then roll a dice with a +1 if you won the battle.

1: Hero is dead
2: Hero is captured and is ransomed for 50 points in the next battle.
4-5: Hero is wounded and cannot be played with in the next battle.
6: Hero recovers fully.

Alternatively you could use the Battle Companies rules for wounded heroes if you want to have more realism.

Also you could do something where if good wins all the battles they assault an evil held outpost, if evil wins all the battles they attack a good held outpost. Or you could do whichever side wins a majority of the campaign battles is the attacker.

Author:  Spike117 [ Wed Jul 08, 2015 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to Make a Campaign

generalripphook wrote:
Here are a few missions for a good start. I would first map out how many mission you would want and what you want to end with then start making rules for them all with the victor of the campaign being the victor of the final battle.

I would shoot for a path of maybe 6-8 missions for if one side just wins every battle.

If named heroes are killed in battle then roll a dice with a +1 if you won the battle.

1: Hero is dead
2: Hero is captured and is ransomed for 50 points in the next battle.
4-5: Hero is wounded and cannot be played with in the next battle.
6: Hero recovers fully.

Alternatively you could use the Battle Companies rules for wounded heroes if you want to have more realism.

Also you could do something where if good wins all the battles they assault an evil held outpost, if evil wins all the battles they attack a good held outpost. Or you could do whichever side wins a majority of the campaign battles is the attacker.

Reading through the document, I've got some more ideas for framework; I think about 6 or so missions sounds like a blast. Thanks!

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