The One Ring

Moira campaign
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Author:  TDrik [ Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Moira campaign

So my friend and I just did the moria section. We did the tomb, the run over the stairs part and the bridge in one go.

I had the fellowship and he had 600 points plus the ballot at the end. two goblin captains the goblin king and the rest goblin. He also had half his archers outside the tomb where I couldn't get them unless I shot or used magic.

The fight started off evenly and then I started to get some very bad rolls.
By the time we left the tomb merry and pippin were dead, Aragon and boromir were on their last legs and legolas was pretty badly injured. Boromir ran or pick up merry and gandalf picked up pippin. We ran past the archers but they took out Sam and Aragon too. Frodos picked up sam and legolas picked up Aragon. We were still running just at half speed. Gimmick had the read guard for the goblins chasing us.

As we go to the bridge there wasn't time to get us all past it with the ballot looming down on us. Gimli bravely ran off to face the ballot to give us that extra time to get away. He survived his encounter and we got everyone onto the bridge except gandalf. I got HHS priority on the next turn and sent gimli to face the ballot once more. The ballot cut him down and with no one left to carry him he was doomed to die in moria.

Gandalf ran across the bridge and stopped to do battle with the balrog. He broke the bridge and fell down along with the body of pippin. Pippin was lost too.

It was an intense fight, but as a part of a wider campaign do you think the odds were too heavily against the fellowship?

Author:  Goldman25 [ Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Moira campaign

You only lost 3, and Gandalf comes back as the White later in the campaign. You could even make the case that, since Pippin falls too, he might survive the fall like Gandalf did, and help him slay the Balrog. Lothlorien would be next in the campaign, where the survivors would all be healed up fully, so Aragorn and the others would be back to full health.

The odds are always pretty stacked against the Fellowship, particularly with four of the Company (the hobbits) being rubbish fighters.

Author:  TDrik [ Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Moira campaign

Well we're going more towards the book than the film, so we have still have a warg fight outside moria before loothlorien rather than the warg fight later (which I'm pretty sure didn't happen in the book).

I didn't roll a lot of my points back for this fight either so I could be in real trouble.

My friend really wanted to make Moria a real struggle for (which it was) but I don't think it's fair to carry on having EACH fight as an equal points match.

The sieges should be a points match but not the smaller skirmish fights with the fellowship right? Or am I being unreasonable? It seems that an equal points match for every single skrimish just makes it pretty much impossible for me to get any of the fellowship to the end. What do you think?

Author:  Knife in the Dark [ Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Moira campaign

TDrik wrote:
Well we're going more towards the book than the film, so we have still have a warg fight outside moria before loothlorien rather than the warg fight later (which I'm pretty sure didn't happen in the book).

I didn't roll a lot of my points back for this fight either so I could be in real trouble.

My friend really wanted to make Moria a real struggle for (which it was) but I don't think it's fair to carry on having EACH fight as an equal points match.

The sieges should be a points match but not the smaller skirmish fights with the fellowship right? Or am I being unreasonable? It seems that an equal points match for every single skrimish just makes it pretty much impossible for me to get any of the fellowship to the end. What do you think?

Well in the book it's been several years but I believe the warg fight actually happened before Moria...

As for the Moria, it is a struggle for the fellowship...

What equipment did you give them out of curiosity? You seem to be doing it towards the book then the films and that would give Aragorn Audril. Which is helpful at fighting so many enemy models.

I think if the Warg fight isn't after Moria then the Fellowship did fairly well, if not well I'm not sure...

I mean you could make it that all the fellowship except those that fell come back because they only are "knocked out".

Point wise it's not easy for the fellowship to take on the equal amount of points, although with 600 points of Goblins plus the Barog the odds are certainly in favor for the fellowship to lose out.

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Moira campaign

It's a nice report but you might want to sort out your spellcheck, as I don't think you meant to say you fought against the Ballot of Moira.

The Wargs in the book were actually werewolves, but since they don't have profiles you'll have to use Wargs.

And no, campaigns do not work if both sides have the same pts as heroes are less points effective than warriors.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Moira campaign

And there was me wondering who Moira was....

Author:  Isilduhrr [ Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Moira campaign

i dont think it's at all fair for the Fellowship to have to fight equal points values, of goblins no less. if your fighting equally, then the Fellowship stand a good chance of being slaughtered in every single game they play. it would be nigh impossible to complete a cmpaign playing equal points every time.
i take it you are the Fellowship, hmm? well, if he was Good then he would soon realise the error of his ways :rofl:

Author:  Goldman25 [ Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Moira campaign

From what I remember from the books (and from Celevue's campaign), the Warg ambush does take place before Moria, meaning the fellowship would immediately have a chance to recover, unless you wanted to play the mission where they run to Lothlorien chased by goblins, while Haldir's elves help the fellowship.

Author:  TDrik [ Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Moira campaign

Yeah you're all definitely right. Apologies for my spelling mistakes. I was typing quite quickly on my phone and it came out with some weird mistakes (Moira being a pretty weird one).

So I think a better way of doing Moria would have been equal points including the Balrog. What do you guys think?

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