The One Ring

SBG: Mordor & Harad vs Rohan & The Fellowship
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Author:  Durandir [ Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  SBG: Mordor & Harad vs Rohan & The Fellowship

Good evening everyone, had another battle this past Friday, the first using the new Warband rules, though the scenario was one I created. Was fun, and luckily for my army it ended when it did :)
Never used Rohan before (though that could be said about most armies I suppose), so it was fun to get them out on the field. The lack of spear support was quite the downer, as that would have come in quite handy. Oh well, looking forward to the next one. Hope you enjoy the report, and I apologize for some of the less than stellar picture taking.

Author:  Sticky Fingersss [ Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG: Mordor & Harad vs Rohan & The Fellowship

Massive battle you've got going there!

Author:  Durandir [ Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG: Mordor & Harad vs Rohan & The Fellowship

We probably won't do another battle that size for a while, but they are fun to do now and then :-D

Author:  Battalia [ Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG: Mordor & Harad vs Rohan & The Fellowship

Very cool battle report! 8)

A couple of thoughts on my part though:

The scenario seems a little rigged in goods favor. You pretty much played it perfectly, hold the river, break and hope for a 1-2 (33% chance so about 3 turns) to seal your victory. Even if the game did continue on, the two buildings that ultimately did nothing would still win you the match. This was also represented in the evils uruks who did nothing but stand in the middle and fantasize about a ford appearing for them.

Your Rohan force also seemed to lack imagination. Their bread and butter is riders but you failed to give them bows which they paid for (or just forgot to specify that you did.) The riders also failed to get into any combats where they truly shine. Something to experiment with if you are new with a Rohan force is to mount all your archers in your force. Use the enhanced mobility to either stay out of enemy bow fire while you pick off his troops or force him to bottleneck to avoid your bows giving you the advantage of moving where you need. With Gandalf in there, I would have mounted Gandalf, used blinding light then used that to win the archery war and picked off all the enemy archers while bieng for the most part immune to any consequences. Then allow your Rohan ground forces to engage the enemy, don't spearhead with your cav just yet. Since your rohan, and most likely not using spear support you will open up holes in your lines (most likely with stronger enemy units like berserkers and hasharin etc) this allows you to throw a rider of rohan into the hole getting a charge in no matter what and good chances for a kill. If you open up holes in your ranks and you lose priority you dont have to sweat as the enemy won't attempt to flank you or he will be neck deep in riders real quick.

Lastly, spice up your rohan force a little bit. Riders of the Westfold, Helmingas, Erkenbrand, Grimbold, Royal guards and sons of Eorl all perform dynamic rolls in a rohan force.

Hope your future battles fare better =)

Author:  Durandir [ Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SBG: Mordor & Harad vs Rohan & The Fellowship

What I was hoping for in the scenario design was to create something a bit more dynamic, with some tactical choices to make (surrender the fords and hold the buildings, hold a ford and one building, etc). Possibly making the river not count as impassable terrain might reduce the choke point effect.
This was the first time using my Rohan troops, so thanks for the tips :) The Riders did indeed have/use their bows. Prior to the battle, my thoughts were that the drake was going to break through one of the fords fairly early on, and my plan had been to use the Riders as my main source of archer and to serve as a kind of mobil reserve. Probably poor planning on my part ;) I had four regular warrior archers, two were in the tower, one in the other ruin, and the fourth was stationed near the North ford. I think I let them get bogged down in a static roll where I probably should have kept them more mobil. Definately some things to think about for the next one, and thanks for the comments :)

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