The One Ring

WOTR/LOTR: Sharku's Hunters & The Isengard Warg Battlehost
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Author:  Leonardis [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  WOTR/LOTR: Sharku's Hunters & The Isengard Warg Battlehost


Having had the time to finish my Angmar army last week I decided to get my Warg riders together as the WotR Battlehost - The Warg Riders of Isengard.
I have not used them before as I have always had them for Mordor, but I am never going to field that many Warg in a Mordor Army... now I have the Isengard Warg Battlehost.

Please have a look and feel free to leave comments -

I mainly play WotR, but we are about to start a push with others in the club to try out LotR SBG so that we can run regular battles - we are planning to hold battles during to week to get some decent skirmish games in and leave WotR for club days!

Hope you like them - ENJOY!

East Grinstead War Gaming Club

Also links to my huge stock of fully painted armies so far:

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR/LOTR: Sharku's Hunters & The Isengard Warg Battleho

I love Wargs, your reports keep getting better and better. I haven't properly raed it yet, I will return to it with a head clearer than thinking 'I love your Wargs', so I can actually enjoy what you've written/done/taken pics of.

EDIT: having read it, I have realised it is not a battle report at all but a showcase of some very nice Wargs in a battlehost. Do make Sharku's Hunters 6 companies so that your leader isn't the weakest formation you have.

Author:  Mighty.Uruk!!! [ Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR/LOTR: Sharku's Hunters & The Isengard Warg Battleho


loads of wargs there, love the painting

Author:  Leonardis [ Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR/LOTR: Sharku's Hunters & The Isengard Warg Battleho

Cheers, hopefully I will get a battle this weekend and can write a battle report too!

Author:  CaptainOfTheWhiteTower [ Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR/LOTR: Sharku's Hunters & The Isengard Warg Battleho

Going off track slightly but I love the board you've got there (probably because I'm a big fan of the warhammer fortress set, apart from assembling the towers of course). Is the second fortress in the background part of the same board or is it a separate one? It would be great to see some closer shots of the board sometime :)

And the Wargs are very neatly painted too 8)

Author:  Leonardis [ Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR/LOTR: Sharku's Hunters & The Isengard Warg Battleho

The castle in the background is a conversion with two big towers and gate, it is on a raised rampart with a ramp, the idea was to have a wall and inner keep to battle on, but as I don't play at home much they are waiting to be painted :-(
I have also acquired my sons old wooden castle to add a few towers, I was planning on adding bricks to the walls and painting them the same theme too, just need more time!
Thanks for te feedback :-)

Author:  Leonardis [ Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR/LOTR: Sharku's Hunters & The Isengard Warg Battleho

P.S. I will try to add some photos in due course.

Author:  Wah Wing [ Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR/LOTR: Sharku's Hunters & The Isengard Warg Battleho

Very nice wargs. I only have six sadly plus a shaman on a warg. I don't even have Sharku! And I collect Isengard! You put me to shame. :(
Not really. Pay no attention to this babbling idiot. :? :roll:

Author:  Leonardis [ Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WOTR/LOTR: Sharku's Hunters & The Isengard Warg Battleho

Thanks for the comments, I love LotR and WotR, I just wish there were more people in my area who want to play!

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