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 Post subject: Dains last stand scenario
PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:19 pm 
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Ok so after reading a few battle reports on the site i am kinda inspired to create a siege scenario based around dain's last stand in erebor. I am planning on using a similar reinforcement system to the pelennor fields scenario, starting forces being dain, and dwarves inside a fortress against mordor and easterlings, followed by the arrival of murin, drar and the men of dale, then harad (i know harad weren't there but its a particular friends only army). Except im not sure about how to go about creating an epic battle scenario and need help, when you make a suggestion please keep in mind there will be a different player controlling each force as such:

Player 1 Dain+dwarves
Player 2 good reinforcements
Player 3 mordor
Player 4 rhun and khand
Player 5 harad

The board:
The board will be about 48" by 72" the fortress will run 12" into the northern board edge, which is 48" long, the "starting force" of the good army deploys here. The evil army deploy up to 24" from the southern board edge.

Starting force (good):
dwarf captain
dwarf shieldbearer
72 dwarf warriors (24 with 2 handed axe, 24 with shield, 24 with bow)
12 khazad guard
2 vault warden teams
a dwarven standard bearer
1094 points

Murin and Drar
King Brand (king of men with heavy armour)
24 dwarf rangers (8 bow, 16 with two handed axes and throwing axes)
30 men of dale (warriors of rohan) (10 with throwing spear and shield, 10 with bow, 10 with shield)
man of dale with banner
man of dale with horn
850 points

Thats 146 models altogether

I doubt I'll have a say in what the evil force will consist of but how many point should the starting evil force be? 1500 points of easterlings and mordor followed up by 750 points of harad? or would it be better to just divide 2000 points up for all the evil force to use? (The harad player does not have a mumakil, take this into account)

Special rules:
Im not sure how long the game should last but as far as reinforcements go, the good reinforcements arrive a quarter of the way through the game (turn 5?) upon any chosen board edge as long as they deploy atleast 12" away from the fortress. Harad should arrive 2 turns later (turn 7?)

There are two tunnels at the back of each side of the fort, if by turn 15 the good side has twice as many victory points as the evil side, 200 points worth of models from "the dwellers below" chosen by the evil player with the fewest models alive move onto the board through these tunnels, they make a full move toward the closest target (good or evil) for the entire game, they do not count towards the model limit for the evil force breaking and once they are broken, they flee. Anything done by the goblins does not count towards any victory points, if the goblins kill dain the evil player will not get the 5 victory points for killing him, if the goblins kill a dwarf, that dwarf does not count towards the good force breaking, he is treated as a seperate casualty and he is deducted from the total number of models in the good force at the start of the game.

Victory conditions:
I think victory should be achieved in a points style, so completing certain objectives by a certain time (turn 20?) will grant a certain amount of points for the good/evil force, at the end, whichever force has the most points wins, if one side has 20 points more than the enemy, it is a major victory, if one side simply has more points than the other then that side gains a minor victory

Evil objectives:
Kill Dain 5pts
Kill Brand 5pts
Kill Radagast 5pts
Get more models on the wall of the fortress than the good player by the end of the game 5pts
destroy 1 or more terrain features that are part of the fortress 5pts
more models in the courtyard of the fortress than the good player by the end of the game10 points
destroy thorins tomb (defence 10, 3 batter points) 5pts
break the enemy force 10pts
kill more models than the enemy by the end of the game 5pts
An evil hero killed the most enemy models out of all the heroes involved in the game 5pts
1 surviving evil leader 5pts
2 or more surviving leaders 5pts
kill an enemy leader with one of your leaders involved in the fatal fight 5pts

Good objectives:
Kill enemy leader 5 pts per leader
more models on the walls than the evil player by the end of the game 10pts
Thorins tomb not destroyed by the end of the game 5pts
more models in the courtyard than the evil player by the end of the game 5pts
get any of murin and drars reinforcements into the fort 5pts (10pts if 50% or more of the reinforcements get inside)
Dain survives by the end of the game 5pts
Brand survives by the end of the game 5pts
Both Dain and brand survive by the end of the game 10pts (cumulative with the singular points for the two leaders surviving)
break the enemy force 10pts
kill more models than the enemy by the end of the game 5pts
kill an enemy leader with one of your leaders involved in the fatal fight 5pts

A good hero killed the most models in the game by the end of the game (radagast restoring a wound to a friendly model counts as him getting a kill) 5pts

Any suggestions on anything would be very very welcome, i have never made a scenario before and i am sure there alot of pitfalls in this scenario layout.
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 Post subject: Re: Dains last stand scenario
PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 7:41 pm 
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i dont think that there was any mordor there and it was all easterlings, no harad either

Durin's Folk
Eastern Kingdoms
Harad & Umbar
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 Post subject: Re: Dains last stand scenario
PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 11:10 pm 
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Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:28 am
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The battle of Erebor they had indeed mordor, majority was easterlings but they had trolls and orcs too, haradrim might anyway... but then there was no radagast in there and the battle was fought before the gates of erebor, just like what happened with the battle of the five armies.
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 Post subject: Re: Dains last stand scenario
PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:53 am 
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Joined: Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:09 am
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Get Beorn in there! Lol I don't know if he was alive then but coolness factor is there ;p

I really like the scenario though!


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 Post subject: Re: Dains last stand scenario
PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:09 am 
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Beorn wasnt There.
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 Post subject: Re: Dains last stand scenario
PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:08 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:30 pm
Posts: 176
polywags wrote:
Get Beorn in there! Lol I don't know if he was alive then but coolness factor is there ;p

I really like the scenario though!

Beorn was dead by then, but his son, Grimbeorn, and other Beornings were alive.
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