Hi everyone I love the thought of a Campaign it sounds really good and also adds more of a variety to the game. So I decided to put my own together (It is made for smaller armies and probably beginners {ie. me

} ):
The Campaign Map consists of 31 provinces, 5 Cities, 8 Villages and 1 fort.
You earn +5 points for every empty territory you own +20 for each village +35 for each city and +50 for your capital.
For every 100 points of men you own you must pay 5 points upkeep per turn. If you cannot pay the upkeep the unpaid men desert you and are removed from the game.
Each army will begin the game with 250 points of soldiers and 1 Captain.
The Order of Phases:
• Movement (Move all your armies)
• Fighting (Attack the enemy)
• Collect Income (Collect points from your territories)
• Recruiting (Recruit more men with your points)
If your hero is killed in battle roll 2 dice:
2 = Dead Permanently
3-6 = Captured (The enemy army captures him)
7-8 = Wounded (Loses a Wound permanently)
9-10 = Wounded (May not fight for the next Campaign turn)
11-12 = Escaped (Gains a permanent +1 Fate)
If you lose a battle roll 2 dice:
1 = 100% lost
2 = 80% lost
3-4 = 50% lost
5 = 25% lost
6 = 10% lost
If you draw a battle:
1-2 = 50%
3-4 = 25%
5 = 15%
6 = 5%
(Chosen by the owning player.)
At the beginning of their each turn each player must draw a single card from a normal pack if it is an Ace then that person must roll 1 die:
1. Ambush: Your opponent may choose one of your armies to be ambushed by:
1-2: 4 Orc w/Spear, 4 Orcs w/Shield
3-4: 4 Orc w/Spear, 8 Orcs w/Shield, 2 Orc Archers, 2 Orcs w/2 handed weapon
5-6: 1 Orc Captain w/shield, 1 Orc Banner, 4 Orc w/Spear, 8 Orcs w/Shield, 2 Orc Archers, 2 Orcs w/2 handed weapon
2. Raids: Give a number to each of your Villages and roll a die the village chosen will be attacked by:
1-2 = 4 Orc w/Spear, 8 Orcs w/Shield
3-4 = Orc Captain w/shield, 4 Orc w/Spear, 8 Orcs w/Shield, 2 Orc w/2hw
5-6 = Orc Captain w/shield, Orc Banner, 4 Orc w/Spear, 8 Orcs w/Shield, 2 Orc w/2hw
3. Random Roll Card: You gain a card that allows you to immediately make you or your opponent, make a random event roll. (This may be kept until needed)
4. Mercenaries: You may recruit mercenaries:
Points Maximum Amount
• Orcs: 4 24
• Men: 7 16
• Elves: 7 16
• Dwarves: 8 14
• Uruk-Hai: 9 12
• Goblins: 3 30
You may add any equipment to the troops by paying the extra points for it. Note: the Men are Gondorians or Easterlings and the Elves are Wood Elves.
The Bow limit rule must be obeyed and only one third may be mounted.
5. Prosperous turn: You earn double the points that you usually would in the turn.
6. Reinforcements: A 300 point army appears in your capital you may choose what they are, but must abide by the bow limit and only Rohan may have all-mounted others may have max 50% mounted.
Village garrisons may not be more than 15 soldiers, cities may not have more than 30 and capitals no more than 50. The limit to the size of a field army is 800pts, and it must contain 1 leader and at least 200pts.
• Garrisons: In the event of an attack on a settlement the village or city will be able to raise up a certain amount of men to help defend:
1. Village:
• 1-2 = 4 Swordsmen
• 3-4 = 4 Swordsmen, 4 Spearmen
• 5-6 = 4 Swordsmen, 4 Spearmen, 4 Archers
2. City:
• 1-2 = 4 Swordsmen, 4 Spearmen
• 3-4 = 4 Swordsmen, 4 Spearmen, 4 Archers
• 5-6 = 8 Swordsmen, 4 Spearmen, 6 Archers, 1 Standard Bearer
They are all rated: 3/4+ | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 4
Swordsmen & Spearmen all have shields, Archers have bows.
After the battle they will all return and may not be kept.
Recruiting Men:
At the end of your turn you may recruit new men. They cost the same amount of points as they do in the normal army lists and you may recruit named heroes, but only one of each and not something Gandalf the Grey & Gandalf the White. You may also not recruit certain heroes like Tom Bombadil, Gollum, and Goldberry.
An army that is reduced below the required amount may not attack, but must defend itself.
Armies move one territory per turn in enemy or rough terrain, but may move two in allied territory that is open. They may also not pass through the mountains. Unless they are Dwarves or Goblins in which case the must 'disappear' for a turn and then on turn two and onward roll one die on a six the exit on the opposite side of where they entered.
Thank you all for reading this at the moment it is mostly just the basics and I am very sorry that it is not in much of an order this is just more of a rough draft.
At the moment I need more ideas Please!!!