The One Ring

Uruk Hai vs Easterlings
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Author:  Queen Berúthiel [ Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Uruk Hai vs Easterlings

I had a great game a few hours ago. I played a 300 pts to the death game against my cousin.

I played isengard with 20 uruks ten with pikes and 10 with shields, a shaman and 3 berserkers. I don´t remember his list but it was something like 8 easterling archers, 8 with pikes, 15 with shields and a captain.

The first few turns both of us advanced forward. Then he started going back 7cm per turn and fired at my uruks. He killed 5 uruks with his bows. I advanced with my uruks in three teams with 3 warriors with shields and 2 with pikes, one team with 2 berserkers, the shaman, 2 uruks with shields and 2 uruks with pikes, and one with 3 with shields and 3 with pikes. When we finally reached combat i slaughtered his easterlings. I lost one berserker and in return i killed 16 easterlings and his captain in a few turns. Then his easterings started fleeing and after 5 fleeing he gave up.

My shaman powers proved quite effective, i transfixed his captain and then charged (and killed) him with a berserker and two uruks with pikes. Fury also saved about 2 or 3 warriors.

Result: Uruk victory


Author:  ShadowMaster26 [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Ouch, sounds like you smashed him completely. 8)

Author:  spuds4ever [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

ShadowMaster26 wrote:
Ouch, sounds like you smashed him completely. 8)

Yes, though it's surprising how many kills he got against heavily-armoured uruks with only bows.

Author:  Queen Berúthiel [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

spuds4ever wrote:
ShadowMaster26 wrote:
Ouch, sounds like you smashed him completely. 8)

Yes, though it's surprising how many kills he got against heavily-armoured uruks with only bows.

yup it was pretty surprising but then again that was almost his only good rolling in the entire game

Author:  Natarn [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hurrah for Isengard!

I love playing Uruks because they are so tough. I played a game a couple of weeks ago against Minas Tirith warriors (archers, swords and spears) with a captain, some rangers, Knights of Dol Amroth (on foot) and Gandalf. It was a tricksy game with Gandalf blasting my Uruks left, right and centre and making it difficult for my crossbowment to shoot anyone with his blasted blinding light spell. Gandalf's Stand Fast! was also very effective.

In the end though, the tough Uruks won through. Gandalf was the last 'good' model standing and when surrounded, he was soon defeated.

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