The One Ring

Dwarves V Isengard
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Author:  Natarn [ Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  Dwarves V Isengard

I had a great game last night - taking 501 points of dwarves against an equally matched Isengard force. Interestingly we both had exactly 501 points and exactly 39 models each.

Leading Isengard was the evil Saruman (may his beard fall off) while Dain took charge of the dwarven force.

The dwarven archers proved near useless with volley fire (my typical poor luck) however they did manage to knock a few of the enemy down at closer range.

Saruman tried a few Sorcerous blasts and failed, much to my relief. "Call yourself a wizard?" I taunted. It was especially nice when he used two dice and so lost some Will.

When the lines eventually met, the Orcs and Uruks won most of the fights but because of the high defence of the Khazad Guard and dwarf warriors with shields, no lives were lost initially. After a short while, 6 of the enemy were dead and my dwarves were standing firm. However, my opponent is ridiculously lucky and he soon turned that around and levelled the number of casualties on each side.

Drat that wizard and his blasts! A few fell to his evil spells and the tide started to turn against the dwarves. It seemed that all was lost and I began to feel a bit depressed as warrior after warrior fell even to Saruman's weaker orcs.

So the dwarven army broke first, just a turn before Isengard. Thankfully, due to Dain's 12" Stand Fast and the Khazad Guard acting as his bodyguard, no warriors ran for it. Dain has a courage of 7 after all.

Still, more dwarves died in that turn than did the enemy. Even though their army was also then broken, Saruman's Stand Fast was equally effective and left me no option... Saruman had to be dealt with - and fast.

Dain used his last point of might to prevent the evil side's priority and Saruman blasting once more. He leapt into action again, taking Saruman down to just one wound and in the following turn gave him three wounds, ending his evil life for good.

The next turn was amazing as the Uruks, who still outnumbered the dwarves, started running with terror from the field of battle as they failed their courage tests. A couple of turns later it was all over for Isengard as the last two Uruks were surrounded and dispatched.

Dain left the field with about 9 remaining warriors - victorious!

Author:  Erunion [ Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice battle report! Sounds like it was a very exciting battle from start to finish.

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