The One Ring

Saruman's betrayal / The Eye in the Palantír
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Author:  BaruKhazad [ Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Saruman's betrayal / The Eye in the Palantír


Saruman has found one of the lost treasures inOrthanc : The Palantír. He starts to explore the seeing stone. Hoping he could find out something about the armies and plans of The Enemy. But instead of revealing Sauron's armies, the Plantír reveals the Dark Lord himself: Sauron. What must Saruman do?


Saruman the White (That's the good Saruman)

The Palantír (see special rules)

The battle takes place in a round room with a diameter of 42 cm. In the middel of it the Palantír is placed. So it is 21 cm from the Palentir to the edge of the board. (This room is for the matter of fact in the Orthanc)

Starting position:
Saruman starts on the edge of the board, doesn't matter where.
The Palantír "starts" in the middle of the room.

The Good side must destroy the Palentir.
The Evil side have to kill Saruman.

Special rules:
The Palantír:
-The Palantír can't walk or move(of course it can't, it's a stone)
-The Palantír has 3 wounds and a defense of 6.
-If Saruman gets in basecontact with the Palantír(starting a combat), Saruman gets automaticly D3 hits with S4. This is because the flames of Sauron does so much damge, metal and psychical.
-If Saruman and the Palantír are in combat, the Palantír automaticly lose. (It doesn't have any hands to defend itself)
-The Palantír causes terror (because it is scary to discover the Great Enemy is in your living room)
-Sauron can cast all his spells from the Palantír. He has also his 6+1 per turn Will to defend himself and attack Saruman. (And I would suggest to do this otherwise it's going to be a short game)

maybe its a bit of a silly game, but i hope you like it(and see it could be true)

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Thu Jul 02, 2009 5:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well You could add a thing, that if Saruman is fighting the palantir, he gets D3 stre 4 hits, regaress whether he wins or loses the combat (since flames are kinda hurting, and also Saurons malice is very strong :rofl: )

One question? What Saruman....the good one or the evil one...

You do acctually know that he never "found it accidentaly". He was well awear of it beeing kept in the tower of Orthanc and thats was one of the main reasons why he wanted to have it for his own. :rofl: (just a side note)

Author:  Theonekoolness [ Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

i don't see anyone who'd want to play such a boring scenario. Sorry :(

Author:  BaruKhazad [ Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

its the good one, he is called saruman the white( his evil twin is just called saruman:P)

yeah sounds like good rule:O about the flames, i'll add it

and also change the description a bit:3

and well, i dont think it is that boring, yeah it is a alternative way of gaming, and has few models on play(not for a big battle which is justed to be for sbg), but im sure it can be fun to play it sometime

Author:  Mouth-of-Sauron [ Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

This scenery is Ok. Its something alternative. Same could be said about basically any scenario cause sbg battles all look similar...

Guys get engaged in the end it comes down who built a better army, and herose and thats it...boring isn´t it? No!? -----> so------> This game is not boring at all :rofl:

Good work BarukKhazad, you could make something else too, if you have any good ideas :rofl:

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