Good Force
2 Rangers of Gondor
16 pts
8 Warriors of Minas Tirith
3 Bows
3 Spears
4 Shields
1 Banner
91 pts
Total - 107 pts
Evil Force
1 Mordor Troll
Total - 100 pts
Good force Start with Priority.
The Warriors of Minas Tirith See the Troll ahead, None move they form their battle lines, and hold ready for the approach hoping for time to fire some arrows at the lumbering hulk.
The Troll Moves forwards at full speed heading towards the men, its eyes full of rage they knew they had to kill this troll fast or it would be the death of them.
The three Minas Tirith Guards took aim with their bows and open fire at the troll in hope of weakening the troll before it hit the battle lines. One of the three arrows hit aim, But failed to find a soft spot to hurt the raging troll.
To the left Flank the two rangers of Gondor opened fire after the Warriors of Minas Tirith in hope of doing better then they could! But both shots flew wide and the troll Swung its arms around in a wild rage after being shot at.
Good Force won Priority.
With a Call from the front ranks it was now that they would have to fight harder then they had before, the one in charge of the other warriors called for a charge, They made a battle formation, Fear was settling in. Only a Few of them had been brave and charged the Terror, Even the so called leader of this small band failed to bring him self to do what he had asked his men to do not just one moment ago!
The men Surrounded the Troll the best they could but it was swinging a huge sword in arcs it needed to be killed as soon as possible, or the beast would sure to cleave the men apart.
The fight had started, But the trolls superior strength over powered the men, Knocking them all backwards with a huge swing of the lumbering trolls sword. With the swing coming at them most of them managed to duck backwards and avoid the brutal swing, apart from One Warrior of Minas Tirith who had been slashed in half with the mighty blow killing him instantly.
Good Force won Priority.
Again, they men charged forwards trying to hit the troll with all that they had, they had to stop the creature before it could get to the near by village and the rest of the guard had all but been spent on other duty’s that the steward deemed more important.
They managed to surround the troll this time, Trying to bring it down with numbers, Still the leader of this group stood back, his men starting to think he was going to leave them to die and the banner be lost, Still they fought on. The lives of the village ahead made them fight on even harder.
This time they managed to Knock the troll of guard Lunging spears at its neck while Slashing with swords at its feet. Still only One warrior managed to hit the beast and make any serious damage due to its hard skin and plated armour. The Troll roared in rage trying to fall back, but finding its self trapped the guards took the opportunity and hammered a spear at the Troll Hitting another open spot, causing another deep wound!
Good Force won Priority.
The men stood strong, with the heavy blows that the troll had taken it wouldn’t be long until it was dead, they had to hold on just a little longer.
The Troll distracted by the earlier wounds now seeping with a dark blood, was hit off guard again, the warriors strike with every thing they had, and with the leader of the war band now in the action as well they had even more hope, even if he had been a little cowardly not long ago.
The Spears pushed forwards with a huge amount of Force hitting in different areas at the same time, the Rangers of Gondor still hacking at the back of the troll, One of the spears managed to puncher the trolls armour and hit its chest, deep the spear sank and the troll fell to its knees.
The warriors of Minas Tirith managed to fight of the Troll at a loss of one of their own. But saving the lives of hundreds.
Good Win!
Sorry about the background no terrain or any thing very exciting unless you like to be nosey on what i keep on my desk XD, also the Gondor force had to many ranges but i made this little fight just to get use to playing around and learning the game rules a little.
i hope you enjoyed it, if you spot any errors dont be shy to say OMG U NOOOBIEEEE