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 Post subject: Middle-Earth "Waterloo"
PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 6:38 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Not that this maybe the right place to post this, but...

During a quiet moment at work doodling some sketches of gondorian buildings I could make, musing on the buildings from PC game Battle for MiddleEarth, I was thinking about the walled farms.

I had just read the first chapter of Return of the King, where Pippin describes looking out from the walls of Minas Tirith, over the Pelennor, with its "low walled farms, barns and byres."
And then an idea struck me, thinking of walled farms put me in mind of the farm buildings in the Battle of Waterloo; La Haye Saint, Hougemont etc etc.

A scenario could be based loosely on the battle of Waterloo;
The Gondorians are the "Allied" defenders of the farms having fallen back from the Rammas, with the pursuing orcs as the "French".

Gondorians would typically field WOMT, Osgiliath Vets, Rangers, maybe an Avenger or two? Not sure about trebuchets?
Evil forces a mix of Orcs, Trolls, Haradrim and Easterlings

Scenario could be one of many possibilities.
1.Gondorians hold out as long as possible
2.Gondorians make a fighting withdrawal?
3. Maybe ths is just the first wave of orcs, and can be repulsed, with reinforcements arriving from MT?
4. Perhaps reinforcements could come from the flank; Rohan as the "Prussians"

The game could be for SBG, which would probably focus directly on the fight for one farm
Or for WOTR, where the three farms could be depicted, with the ridge behind held by the Gondorians.

I would have to make the walled farms with lift off lids, to allow skirmish style troop placement within.

Just thinking out loud at this point...

...I always had a thing for the Retreat from the Rammas, yet it is not often covered in too much detail.

It would be an excuse to make 3 farms anyway :-)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:31 am 
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If it's going to be anything like your Helm's Deep battle, then you will need to write a battle report of this too! And show lots of photos.

There should be some Gondorian artillery so that the Fr... orcs can assault them and not destroy them before they pull back. :-)

Anyway, it sounds very interesting!

-- Pasi
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:08 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Thanks for the compliment and words of encouragement.
Only problem is my ideas often take a long while to get off the ground and onto the table so to speak.... perhaps check back in 6 months or so! ;-)

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:32 pm 
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It sounds like an interesting project. Don't worry about how long it takes, just make sure to post some WIP pictures.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:37 pm 
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I had a friend who would come up with grandiose ideas for campaigns, bespoke scenarios, etc. I always told him that these things were far more likely to be realized if you can enlist the help of some like-minded gamers. Do you have a club you can get to help you on this?


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:52 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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yeah got a mate who can help out with the Gondorian side of things...

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