The One Ring

My named ranger scenarios: The adventures of Dinendal
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Author:  WanderingDunedain [ Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:07 am ]
Post subject:  My named ranger scenarios: The adventures of Dinendal

Attack on the camp

Description: Little Dunedain remain in the wild and often dangerous lands of the north, small comunitys of the remaining dunedain have formed for both protection from orcs and wargs and to hopfuly one day to reform the northen kingdom that once was. One of these comunitys lies in the south downs. However what little defences the men of the north had could not withstand such a heavy attack such as one bought by non other than the Witch king of angmar. In his atempt to finaly sicure his newly sized lands

Dunedain with spear
12 Rangers of Arnor
4 Rangers of Arnor with spears

Witch king with morgal blade and the krown of morgul

Orc captain with shield
4 Orc warrions with shields
4 Orc warriors with spears
4 Orc warriors with orc bows

Dwellers Below
Goblin captain with shields
2 Cave trolls
8 Goblins with shields
8 Goblins with spear
8 Goblins with orc bows

The Good side
Magor Victory: Must get 50% of there moddles off the battle field including all three named hero's
Minor Victory: All free named hero's must escape
The Evil side
Major Victory: Must kill one of the named heros and 50% of the good side the witch king must survive
Minor Victory: Must Kill one named hero the witch king must survive

Special Rule: supprise attack! the good side do not move for the first turn, nore can they shoot or fight unless they are engaged by an enemy charicter. also for the second turn the evil side may roll 2 dice for priority instead of one

Author:  WanderingDunedain [ Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:10 am ]
Post subject: 

sorry cant post it on this site but here's the map[/img]

Author:  Corsair [ Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

I like the scenario however the rules for good models leaving the battlefield need to be clearer. You need to state that it is only models who leave via a table edge and that reatreated models do not count towards the number of models but instead count as a casualty.

example: courage test is needed and soldier fails and is therefore removed as a casualty. He leaves the battlefield but he does count as an escaped model.

Do you see what I mean mate?

Author:  WanderingDunedain [ Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

done mate

scenario two is on the way soon,

clue (you can only use the modles that survived in this game in the next! exept dinenros)

Author:  Corsair [ Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can't wait!!!! I have been so insprired by this that i have just created my own campaign!!! :D

Author:  WanderingDunedain [ Sun Jul 06, 2008 9:21 am ]
Post subject: 

i have play tested scenario 1 and 2 and made some alterations to 1

in game 1 i won with a minor victory (as good) and was one moddle off a major victory

here is a rough campaign outline:

1 Attack on the camp
2 Goblin ambush
3 Familiar faces
4 Defence of Bree
5 Sold Out!
6 The Grey Wizard
7 For Gondor!

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