king elessar 2615 wrote:
Yeah, seeing the scope of the campaign after just 8 episodes, just finished up the Last Alliance battle last night which was a blast, it seems like you have to have a lot of models prepared in a short amount of time which must get rather stressful.
Not really, we film the battles in batches so for instance the entirety of the last alliance batch (all 8 scenarios) were filmed during one weekend, we had a month to prepare and we delegate and check with other members of the community what models they have finished.
So While is coordinating the good side and I'm cooridingating the evil side.
But there has of course been some long nights to finish the final models for a filming.
But it makes for an awesome spectacle, seeing two wonderfully painted armies battle to a nail-biting climax is really awesome. Made me go and pick up 150 Warriors of Minas tirith to get stuck into after finishing my Grim Hammers!
Awesome stuff, I am very happy we inspire others.
Quick question though, with news about the rebranding to Middle Earth SBG is it a possibility that later down the line you will use models and scenarios that they release if you think they could work well, although we have nothing concrete at the moment it seems like a lot of the old models will be made available and there are new models on the way. Also are you guys planning to play through the Hobbit campaign?
We are currently about to film the last batch of "pre hobbit" scenarios in a couple of weeks, the battles of Azanulbizar. This will segway into the hobbit. We have the unexpected journey all lined up and are mostly ready to go with that. We are however eagerly anticipating the new sourcebook coming out in oct/nov with 30+ new scenarios for Desolation of Smaug and Battle of the five armies. Currently there are not many scenarios for those two movies out. only 8 I believe so this will definately add more depth to the campaign. We think we will have time to add these in so that we maintain out chronology but in case we dont get time to put in a scenario we will play it at a later date and add it into the episode stream as f.ex episode 18,5 or something like that.
- Andreas "the Norwegian Viking"
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