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 Post subject: Alpha/Beta Patches for BC 2016 Edition 8/19/16
PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:42 pm 
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Joined: Wed Oct 29, 2014 12:27 am
Posts: 138
Location: New England
Hello All!

While working on the update, I fiddled around with an idea for a Troll Battle Company. Long story short, I made what is probably the most unrealistic and unbalanced Battle Company List. We were going to throw it into a April-fool's release, but alas we released several months past due.

Here it is!

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NOTE: This Battle Company Sourcepage is not recommended for competitive or serious Battle Company leagues, play at your own risk. (Both of death-by-laughter and death-by-playgroup.) Have Fun!

Starting Company
3 Half Trolls of Far Harad

Warrior Equipment
1 Gold -- Spear, Two-Handed Weapon
5 Gold -- Troll Chain
20 Gold -- War Drum

Hero Equipment
1/5 Gold -- Spear, Two-Handed Weapon
3/5 Gold -- Armour, Shield
5/10 Gold -- Troll Chain, Heavy Armour

Half Troll of Far Harad -- 23 Gold

Half Troll of Far Harad -> Cave Troll -> Isengard Troll OR Mordor Troll

Special Rules
Exceptional Growth -- This model instantly advances to the next Troll as if it were a warrior promoting. All stats that are equal to or worse than the new stats are discarded and replaced with the new troll stats. Any company rating increases from the hero advancement chart are also discarded following the same parameters. However the experience gained does not change and will still count toward the maximum limit of experience. Of course M/W/F are unaffected by the growth.

Thick Hide -- Trolls are noted for their mindless brutality and the ability to shrug off wounds that would kill any other creature thrice over! Any time this Hero is wounded, he may roll a dice and ignore the wound on a roll of 5+. If he selects this rule a second time, the saving throw improves to 4+. The Hero may still choose to use Fate for any wounds that are not ignored.

Good Throw (Cave, Mordor, and Isengard Trolls Only) -- This model has far superior coordination and arm strength than other trolls, this makes it formidable competition in a log-throwing match. To represent this the hero rolls an extra die when rolling for distances within the Barge and Hurl Brutal Power Attacks.

Quake Maker (Cave, Mordor, and Isengard Trolls Only) -- Ferocious and mighty, the ground shakes under the weight of this troll. In the movement phase the hero may expend a Will Point to force all enemy models within 3" to roll a die. On a 4+ they fall prone and suffer a Strength 1 hit.

Improvised Siege Bow (Cave, Mordor, and Isengard Trolls Only) -- In the time of war, siege equipment that has been abandoned can sometimes be found scattered on the battlefield. This troll has found a siege bow of decent weight to carry. To represent this, the hero may select either an Avenger Bolt Thrower or a Mordor Siege Bow. From now on this model treats it as a normal model would treat a crossbow for the purposes of shooting and moving. This model may take no weapons in addition to the siege equipment and if it has any before hand it must discard it immediately. Only one hero per Troll Battle Company may take this relic. This special rule counts as 10 points toward the Company Rating instead of the usual 5.

A note on Troll Battle Companies
When a Troll BC starts out, they may take 3 Half Trolls of Far Harad as their starting company despite it being 9 gold over the starting gold limit.

If ever a Troll Battle Company should lose a scenario, they must instantly pay their opponent 1 gold from their Company Treasury as the enemy pilfers part of their "Troll Hoard". If the Troll Battle Company has no gold available, then the opposing battle company gains 1 XP instead.

All Trolls require 15 xp in order to roll on the advancement table.

Each Troll model represents a different maturity of troll, Half Trolls of Far Harad represent whelps for example.

There also has been thoughts brewing of a "For-Fun" Ringwraith Battle Company...

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This company is not meant for serious competitive play at all. Have Fun!

Starting Company
The Witch-king of Angmar

Warrior Equipment
See the Mordor Sourcebook for Gold Values and Wargear

Hero Equipment
See the Mordor Sourcebook for Gold Values and Wargear

Ringwraith -- 55 Gold


Special Rules
None, you are stinkin' Ringwraiths! You shouldn't even be able to do this!

A note on Ringwraith Battle Companies
A Ringwraith Battle Company is an exception to any core Battle company creation rules that it breaks as it stands. Of course you cannot buy the Witch-King Equipment since you are already over your gold limit. Additionally, you will ignore the steps of company creation in regards to lieutenants and sergeants. The Witch-King is considered your only "hero" for the purposes of equipment.

All members suffer from the Warrior Injury Table but may be re-purchased for their default starting value as Sauron resurrects their essence if they happen to "die".

Whenever a Ringwraith (Including the Witch King of Angmar) rolls on the promotion table, treat all "Advance to next promotion" as "add a will point up to max value" and all "Advance to hero" as "add a might or fate point up to max value".

All units of the Ringwraith Battle Company ignore sections such as "Additional Equipment". Ringwraith Battle Companies do not ignore the option of taking Mercenaries, however, for the dark agents of Sauron require any resources available to them

- Wild
Battle Companies Developer

(CE) Battle Companies 2016 Edition

Last edited by Commissariat on Wed Sep 28, 2016 4:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Alpha/Beta Releases of Battle Company Content
PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 4:00 pm 
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Joined: Wed Oct 29, 2014 12:27 am
Posts: 138
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Here, digging up from the reserved pile leftover from the Battle Companies update, are a few more add-ons. Note that most of these are beta and/or unplaytested. I am providing them purely for your enjoyment and discussion for future patches.

Magic Special Rule Rolling Table and some Tweaks
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Change the magic special rule to provide choices in the spells available. That way if a Barad-Dur player wants a damage-mage then they would pick "Flameburst" as their first spell instead of "Fury". Elves might want Nature's Wrath before Call Winds, stuff like that.

Adds Flameburst to the Mordor Spell Roster

Make a Magic Special Rule Table, similar to Fight/Shoot/Leadership. Stuff like:

1 - "Raw Energy" On a 4+ a Will Point used is free.
2 - "Channeler" Spells are always considered Channeled
3 - "Mighty Caster" May use Might and Fate points as Will Points. When spent, Might/Fate points are not considered as Might/Fate/Will Points for special rules like Whip of the Masters or Raw Energy
4 - "Combat Casting" May cast spells against models in base-contact, even if charged. If a spell would remove all enemies from base-contact, the model may complete any available movement or charge as if they had used a throwing weapon.
5 - "Reach" Doubles range of all applicable spells. Increases Aura Spell range by 50%.
6 - Might/Will/Fate point (Up to a maximum of 3)

The M/W/F gives casters some options, especially with access to "Mighty Caster". It keeps Fate rare but also makes this table an option for non-casters if they want to try for the fate point. Fate's relationship with casters demonstrates how the spirits/valar/energies are either watching out for the caster or makes the caster so powerful as to be able to be more survivable.

This is one that I didn't have finalized in time for the update, but it adopts the rules from the "Scouring of the Shire" sourcebook.

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Basically, instead of taking Mercenaries, the weaker player (Defender) can choose to use Snares, Tripwires, and Pitfalls as described in the "Scouring of the Shire" Source-book. After doing the math, each trap costs 1 point in the standard game. I rewrote it below and included Cavalry into the picture. :D

Snares and Pitfalls
A scout from your company approaches your lieutenant and speaks up. "Lieutenant, we have sightings of an enemy patrol headed our way, there is no way we can send for aid in time!" gasps the scout, panic stricken. Before unrest can disturb the morale of the company, one of your sergeants approaches, "Aye, however I've been in a situation like this a couple times sir, I know how to show these intruders off!" The battle company turns to the brave words of the sergeant and the sergeant quickly answers their doubts with a chuckle, "Yes, we'll set them a nasty surprise.."
At times, a commander cannot rely on outside help to carry the day but instead the wit and survival instincts of his men. To represent this a player with a company rating lower than their opponent's by at least 15 may opt to "Set Traps" instead of recruiting mercenaries.

Setting Traps
There are three kinds of traps available to a defending player: Snares, Pitfalls, and Tripwires - the Defender divides the number of traps in the scenario equally between different types. In addition, the Defender recieves a number of 'Blank' counters equal to the number of Trap counters he has. These he deploys at the same time as his Trap counters (as described below) - they represent areas of disturbed ground that, from a distance, may look like traps, but are actually harmless.

After the board has been set up, but before any forces have been deployed, the Defender places all of his Trap and Blank counters face down - in this way, the Attacker will never be certain which are the traps and which are the dummies until they are triggered. Counters can be deployed anywhere on the board according to the following rules: -No counter may be deployed within the Attacker's deployment zone.
-No counter may be deployed within 2" of another.
-In a scenario that uses objective markers, no counter may be placed within 2" of an objective marker.

Triggering Traps
Trap and Blank counters remain face down until one of the Attacker's models moves within 1" (The defenders are assumed to know where the traps are). Any Attacker model moving within 1" of a counter is halted immediately and the counter is revealed. If the counter is a blank, there is no trap at that location - the counter is removed from play and the Attacker model may keep on moving. If the counter is a trap, check what type it is to determine what happens to the Attacker model (see below). If the Attacker model survives, it may complete its move normally (unless otherwise states). Once triggered, Trap counters are removed from the game unless otherwise stated.

Snares are very simple traps, normally consisting only of a loop of rope and a place to affix it to. More cunning are those snares set about the base of a tree - when the victim blunders into it, they suddenly find themselves suspended from a low lying branch.

When a snare counter is revealed, the Defender rolls a D6 - on the roll of 2+. the Evil model has been caught in the snare. If that Snare counter is placed in open ground, the model that triggered it is knocked to the ground and may not move further that turn. If a cavalry model triggers the trap, the Defender rolls a D6 - on a 4+, the Attacker's cavalry model must make a Thrown Rider Check. The horse is considered to have failed its courage test and ran automatically. (To represent it entangled in the snare).

If the Snare counter is touching a tree, the victim counts as being knocked to the ground (he's actually dangling a few feet in the air, but the effect is the same). In addition, the ensnared individual may not move in subsequent turns unless he can roll equal to or under his Strength on a D6 at the start of his move - leave the Snare counter in place to show this.

For most, simple things work best - in this case, a half hour's hard work with a shovel covered with branches and leaves. Due to a press of time, the defenders won't be able to dif very deep pits, and certainly wouldn't have time to fill them with sharpened wooden stakes, but more than one individual has found himself struggling to escape a waist deep hole in the ground that he would have sworn was not there earlier.

When a Pit counter is revealed, the Defender rolls a D6 - on the roll of 2+, the Attacker's model has fallen into the pit and may not move further that turn. He can attempt to climb out of the pit on subsequent turns, exactly as if he was traversing an obstacle. While in the pit, a model counts as being trapped and has no control zone. If a cavalry model triggers the trap, the Defender rolls a D6 - on a 4+, the Attacker's cavalry model must make a Thrown Rider Check. Once revealed, pits remain in play - leave the counter face up, or replace it with a suitable model. Any model attempting to cross a revealed pit must pass a Leap test or fall in, suffer a Thrown Rider Check.

Simple, but oft-times effective, a length of rope stretched taught across a path can bring a foe to his knees. Though not overtly dangerous, a careless tumble onto an exposed rock can lead to incapacitation.

When a Tripwire counter is revealed, the Defender rolls a D6 - on a 2+, the Attacker's model has fallen foul of the tripwire and is knocked to the ground. It takes a Strength 1 hit and may not move further that turn. If a cavalry model triggers the trap, the Defender rolls a D6 - on a 4+, the Attacker's cavalry model must make a Thrown Rider Check. The mount will then take a single Strength 1 hit before making its courage test.

Traps and Company Rating
All traps, including blanks, are 1 point for the purposes of matching Effective Rating of the opponent. As stated previously, you must take an equal number of blanks to traps and all traps must be an even distribution of the three kinds of traps available. (e.g. a player who is 24 points weaker than his opponent may take 4 snares, 4 tripwires, 4 pitfalls, and 12 blanks)

-Henry Wild

- Wild
Battle Companies Developer

(CE) Battle Companies 2016 Edition
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