The One Ring

[Sealer] Speak unto me of varnish, hard coats and sealants!
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Author:  aelfwine [ Sun Aug 30, 2015 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  [Sealer] Speak unto me of varnish, hard coats and sealants!

Hi all

So, having decided to radically refocus my collection, I pared things heavily back to a metal heavy force. Said metal figures will all be stored in foam cases until I can play them again, whenever that is. The focus of the hobby for me will be painting. So I don't want the paints chipping off.

As a result...I need to varnish these. I have used off the shelf varnish for my dungeons and dragons miniatures. This is no big deal, they are garish looking D+D figures. But for the LOTR figures, I want something more sedate.

What do people use?
What techniques work?
What products should I invest in?
Anything to watch out for?
Oh, I see GW has some sort of paint on hard coat. What brushes would one use with this?


Author:  ja33 [ Sun Aug 30, 2015 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Sealer] Speak unto me of varnish, hard coats and sealan

Hey man - I had a similar inquiry that I posted on the site about a year ago and there were some really helpful replies by lots of One Ringers...take a peek at the thread below, and see if that is a helpful start :)

Varnish thread: viewtopic.php?f=100&t=29323

Author:  Quendil [ Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Sealer] Speak unto me of varnish, hard coats and sealan

I use either Army Paint Shade or Daler-Rowney Soluble Gloss Varnish. Then I use Testers Dullcote Lacquer to get rid of the gloss effect.

I wait at least 1 week after painting before I brush on the Gloss coat. I then wait another week before using the Dullcote.

I have successfully used spray varnish in the past but judging the right conditions to spray can be tricky so I don't bother anymore.

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