orc-archer wrote:
Hello, I have ordered some water effects from secret weapon miniatures and got it in the mail today
I have never used water effects before thought, so what basics do I need to know? Drying time is apparently 24 hours.
What do I use around the base to seal the liquid so it doesn't flow off the base? I want to cover the whole base with water effects.
Do you mix in paint to get color or paint the base surface before adding on water effects?
Water Effects is a brand name from Woodland Scenic. Realistic Water/ScenArama and Stillwater from Vallejo are the most common products for making water. I do not know what product you have.
start with this link Look at river sections
http://www.hirstarts.com/cavern/watercavern.htmlRealistic Water
http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=you ... A1E63CA88FWater Effects link
http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=you ... 638C057139Quote:
Do you mix in paint to get color or paint the base surface before adding on water effects
No! paint the surface. It must be
dry before you use the water product or it will not dry clear.
The part I built to match the Dwarven Forge lake set was made with Realistic Water.