I have about 20 horses to paint rather quickly.
I have a rough idea in my head of going for 5 simple base colours and doing 4 of each (keeps things simple and should add some variety)
I tend to paint using lots of browns anyway so I am fairly confident painting brown horses, I was wondering if any one had any tips for painting more complicated colours like chesnut/reddish brown and particularly white horses. (Am tempted to paint the basecoat grey for now and work up to white when I have some more time.
There was a really awesome painting guide for riders of rohan on TLA I used to follow but can't seem to locate it. If anyone has any clues as to where it might be or any alternate guides i'd be interested in having a look.
Any tips on painting horses in general would be quite handy as this is the first cavalry I'll have painted for a good few years.
All the best