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 Post subject: Sound good?
PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 8:37 pm 
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Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:25 am
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I've been thinking of doing an article on sculpting from scratch without a premade armeture. SOunds similar to using an ebob puppet but its actually quite difficult as proprtion has to be considered in mathematical detail. Its something which I have found few accessable articles for but seems a valuable skill for someone hoping to brake into the industry--you can't use premade armetures forever. I'd also like to include some other tricks I've picked up along the way for sculpting.
This sound good?
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:16 pm 
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Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 7:22 am
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Don't get me wrong, but such questions are totally useless! :)

If anyone wants to write an article, even if it's just a vague idea, there are hundred reasons to do it - and very few to do it not. Our library is always looking for extra articles, there's nothing like a finished library (books, films, comics, articles, etc). Even more, we encourage everyone to write an article if they would like to do so. For example, you would like to write a painting guide about 2nd age High Elves...

a) There are already several articles about them!
No problem, use different techniques, make it look different, go for another approach,...
b) My skills are not good enough to write an article!
Pah, try to make your article vulnerable in another way, not easy, nor impossible.

On the other hand, you must be prepared to see your article getting rejected. But once again, this is a very complex thing. It's not a secret that quite a few articles get rejected, but it always happen with good reasons. We also aim for a high quality, which might be frustrating for people who aren't that good YET, but writing articles is to aid people. Not to show yourself. The big, shinny key to write good articles is in your attitude, very simple - yet complicated.

If you think your article will be useful and a good aid to some people, if you can say to yourself 'I've spend some time in this', if everything has been written and made with love and attention, if you camouflage your lacks with other qualities, if you're doing this to help other people improve, yes, Please - whatever it is!

But, if you're just doing it to have an article on your account, if you're satisfied with 5 lines and two pictures, if you don't care if anyone will like the article, if want it all done very quickly, and most of all, if you think the whole community is waiting for your work because you're so awesome, then don't. Please.

So, back to you Mminiatures, (the text above was something general really) you're a familiar face to us, proofreaders. Therefore, I see no reason why you shouldn't do so. Check what I said above, and I'm sure you will conclude that you should do it. Simple as that.

[size=84][b]Potenza[/b] - Silly (ex-) Staff Member - Beer Swilling Rock Pig[/size]
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 11:30 pm 
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Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:25 am
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Cheers :D
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