The One Ring

where's my article?
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Author:  painting freak [ Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  where's my article?

could you please tell me if your going to publish my article on how to paint uruk hi.

if it's not good enough i won't particually mind. but it would be nice if you could tell me.

im sure it's just beause your busy and havn't got round to doing it yet (i know, i run a clan for cs:s) but this is just a reminder.

thanks alot

Author:  Erunion [ Mon Jun 05, 2006 2:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

On the left side of the screen in the Menu, there is a button marked "Article Status." Click it to see what's going on with your article. Also, be patient as the proofreaders are just volunteers, so it may take a few days before you know anything.

Can't wait to see the article.


Author:  Nygyll of Wyvernhole [ Mon Jun 05, 2006 3:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

painting freak as already pointed out many of us do not neccessarily log in all day everyday, you submitted your article 5:07pm Saturday, and asking what has happened at 2:17 today, not even 48 hours, and part of that over a weekend, isn't really on.
Even a perfect article (and your is not) will take more than 48hours to approve.

I am sure that someone will pick it up today and let you know what is happening.
I future if you have some issues with article etc, you would be better off sending a polite PM to a moderator [Ringwraith] or a proofreader [LoreMaster]. If you are not sure who these are, than again a polite post I am sure will result in some answers.

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