The One Ring

spider prices still too high for me
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Author:  Mapper [ Sun Oct 17, 2021 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  spider prices still too high for me ... dle-earth/

New Witch King model, Ruins of Dol Guldur terrain set and Fall of the Necromancer book up for pre-order next weekend.

Author:  Alex123 [ Sun Oct 17, 2021 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dol Guldur next weekend

If anyone's picking up all the Middle Earth stuff next week, or collecting the new Age of Sigmar releases too, worth noting that orders next week would still qualify towards getting the free special edition Space Marine on offer for orders over £150/USD240. That offer lasts until 28th October.

Admittedly that's a big order to make, but might be easier if teaming up with a friend. Then you get a free model to keep ... or sell back on ebay! ... astus-2021

Author:  Mapper [ Sun Oct 17, 2021 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dol Guldur next weekend

Forgot to add, at the bottom of the article they mention other figures coming back into stock, looks like it might be an expensive weekend. ... ge-update/

Author:  Mapper [ Mon Oct 18, 2021 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dol Guldur next weekend

More info about the book. ... &utm_term=

Author:  Seren Nishiyama [ Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dol Guldur next weekend

I'm wondering what the price point on the Dol Guldur ruins will be in USD.

Author:  Asgarod [ Tue Oct 19, 2021 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dol Guldur next weekend

I Hope to Pick Up the New Kastellans, the Dol Guldur dice and the Necromancer :)

Author:  Mr Gimli [ Fri Oct 22, 2021 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dol Guldur next weekend

I'm a sucker for the themed dice so will be picking those up as well as the source book.

Author:  Mapper [ Sat Oct 23, 2021 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dol Guldur prices!

Well, I bought the book, rather more expensive than I thought it would be. But still free shipping.... Of course I don't get to look at it until Christmas, it's a present from my wife. :D

Will hold off on the terrain set, that is definitely more expensive than I thought it would be.

Surprised that the restocking of spiders etc, didn't happen this weekend, maybe next? - Update - from Warhammer Community website: "Some classic Middle-earth miniatures were also due to return to the range today, but interference from the dark powers means these will be going directly on sale next week."

Author:  Mapper [ Sun Oct 31, 2021 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: spider prices still too high for me

Glad to see that GW has brought back some more models. I looked at the combo giant spiders/mirkwood spiders but felt they were too static for the cost. Since I don't have to adhere to GW standards for games, think I will stick with the WizKids spiders.

Does anyone know the sizes of the bases? GW just says each model is supplied with an appropriate base.

Author:  Voyager360 [ Sun Oct 31, 2021 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: spider prices still too high for me

I'm fairly certain (99% sure) the Giant Spiders are on 40 mm round bases (typical Cave Troll / cavalry bases) and the Mirkwood Spiders are on 60 mm round bases.

I don't have them because I also found them too expensive for their static poses, but I did order a lot of 40 mm and 60 mm round bases years ago for the purpose of using cheap toy spider models and sticking them on the appropriate bases.

I was hoping for more of a discount. I believe they were €29,- before for 2 Mirkwood Spiders and €12,50 for 2 Giant Spiders. So a total of €41,50 before and they cost €40,- now, but you have less flexibility. Prices have gone up, but the Mirkwood Spiders have been overpriced from the start in my opinion.

Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Mon Nov 01, 2021 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: spider prices still too high for me

Actually, the Mirkwood spiders are quite large. Have a gander at these inspirational photos: ... om-hobbit/ He also has a tutorial to follow for the striped ones.

For me, you have to put GW's prices into perspective. I just did a 3D printed order and the shipping cost half as much as the order, (it was a big order) and I had to pay taxes and customs on it, which were 15%. GW ships to your home and there are no surprise fees at the post office.

Author:  Mapper [ Mon Nov 01, 2021 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: spider prices still too high for me

Voyager360 - thanks for the info.

GKA - shipping/taxes/etc is always a factor in what I buy. There maybe something on Ebay I want but if I thinking the shipping is too much for the object I pass. You're right in that GW is quite reasonable on shipping, a realitivly low number to ship to home and if a store is reasonably close, free to the store. It's the static nature of the giant metal spiders that turns me off buying them and too bad gw didn't do the painting and basing that the website you referenced did. Currently reading The Hobbit and I don't get the impression that the spiders are as large as the movies and gw portrayed them for cinematic effect.

Author:  Kalatha [ Tue Nov 02, 2021 5:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: spider prices still too high for me

Hi Folks
I can confirm that the Giant Spider bases are the same size as a cavalry base - 40 mm as I have two of them from a long time ago! I've removed them from their bases ready for re-painting for a Denizen's of Mirkwood BC that I'll eventually put together.

As far as other spiders go I have a box of the Classic Fantasy Giant Spiders by Wargames Atlantic and a couple of eBobs spiders (I really like these as a MSpider proxy).

I agree that the GW spiders (all sorts) are a bit pricy for what you get. However, I did lash out and order a box of Fenrisian Wolves (Fell Warg proxies for the afore mentioned DoM BC) - I like their poses more than the Fell Wargs. Plus a set of the green dice - am always a sucker for these!

Am still working on ideas for creating broodlings for the DoM BC. Any suggestions?

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