The One Ring

Canadian Price Increases?
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Author:  Lord Hurin [ Sat May 30, 2009 1:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Canadian Price Increases?

Alright, I've seen US and UK price increase lists, but not really knowing the prices for either place beforehand, it doesn't help me too much.

Does anyone have, or know of a place I can find, the list of Canadian increases? I'm going to my local shop today and want to buy what's going up before June 1.

Author:  SilverHeimdall [ Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

$30.00 for 24 Dwarf Rangers, the box is now $32.75
Minor Increase, doesn't bother me.

You can see them on GWShop website, if you set the Country to Canada, of course.

All the blisters seem to have kept their original prices of $14, $16 or $30, for the most part, some are more or less expensive but I can't tell if thats a price increase or just different based on whats in the blister.

Plastic boxes all got a minor increase, 9.20% increase.
Metal boxes stayed the same I think

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